Military Science Leadership (MSL)
Course includes an introduction to the U. S. Army, military career opportunities, and the basic soldiering skills. Introduces students to issues and competencies that are central to a commissioned officers responsibilities. Establishes the framework for understanding officership, leadership, and Army values followed and "life skills" such as physical fitness and time management.
This course establishes the foundation of basic leadership fundamentals such as problem solving, communications, briefings, and effective writing, goal setting, techniques for improving listening and speaking skills, and an introduction to counseling.
Prerequisites: MSL 1010
Students identify successful leadership characteristics through observation of others and self through experiential learning exercises. Students record observed traits (good and bad) in a dimensional leadership journal and discuss observations in small group settings.
Prerequisites: MSL 1020
Students examines how to build successful teams, various methods for influencing action, effective communication in setting and achieving goals, the importance of timing the decision, creativity in the problem solving process, and obtaining team buy-in through immediate feedback.
Prerequisites: MSL 2010