Homeland Security Emerg Mgmt (HSEM)

HSEM 3000. Homeland Security (3) 

An introductory course which surveys the context of crisis and the policies, practices, challenges which confront the field of homeland security. It provides an overview of the various agencies associated with the field of homeland security and their domains of action and response. Course focuses on the attempts to align federal, state, local, tribal, private sector and other nongovernmental agencies for emergency preparedness and response efforts.

HSEM 3003. Emergency Management (3) 

This course surveys the context of crisis and the policies, practices and challenges which confront the field of emergency management. It provides an overview of the various agencies and their strategies of mitigation, planning, response and recovery. The roles and responsibilities of Emergency Managers at local and national levels are investigated.

HSEM 3500. Counter Terrorism (3) 

This course surveys the history of domestic, national and international terrorism. Special attention is focused on the tools, tactics and strategies of counter-terrorism available to agencies of homeland security. In addition, current terrorist threats and responses will be addressed.

HSEM 3850. Medical Mgmt-Mass Emergencies (3) 

This course is intended to address the unique issues facing medical managers in a catastrophic situation creating mass casualties. These categories may be man-made or natural disasters, but threaten to overwhelm normal first responder, EMT, Ambulance and emergency room systems. Short- term and long-term recovery and management responses, as well as advanced planning and preparation are discussed. This is an elective course for the Homeland Security and Emergency Management degree programs.

HSEM 4000. Research in Homeland Security (3) 

This course focuses on the sources of information and research relevant to Homeland Security/ Emergency Management. Special attention is focused on the collection of relevant data and the development of valid and reliable measures of assessment and analyses. Students may elect to pursue a Six Sigma Black Belt as an optional activity. This is a required course for the Homeland Security/Emergency Management degree programs.

HSEM 4098. Internship in HSEM (3) 

Under the supervision and direction of a member of the Homeland Security/Emergency Management faculty the student will have an opportunity for a placement and field experience in one of the agencies appropriate to homeland security/emergency management. In addition, students will participate in a series of group seminars with other internship participants to share and discuss their experiences and insights. Student also will be required to complete a report summarizing their internship experience and relate it to the concepts, principles and foundations of the field of homeland security/emergency management.

HSEM 4500. Disaster Planning & Response (3) 

An overview of community, state and national- level responses to natural and man-made disasters and the planning and operational processes that agencies employ. This course focuses the National Response Plan, the National Incident Management System and also reviews past practices and experiences and the lessons learned.

HSEM 4600. Intelligence & Analysis (3) 

This course examines the essentials of the intelligence system, the intelligence process and creative problem solving skills in an intelligence environment. Specifically, students will learn the who's who in the intelligence community (IC), vision, mission, goals, locations, objectives and strategies of IC groups.

HSEM 4700. Legal Issues in HSEM (3) 

This course is designed to provide students with a detailed view of the relationship between the needs of homeland security/emergency management, the Patriot Act and the "traditional concepts" of the legal system. Special emphases are placed on the role of public law, the government's demands for more power and civil liberties.

HSEM 4710. BioDefense (3) 

This course is intended to address the potential dangers and responses to bioterrorism, including the identification of the major biological agents and their prevention, control and treatment. Emphases will be placed on the social and economic consequences of these agents and their responses, as well as the physical consequences of bioweapons. Healthcare management responses to bioterrorism will be stressed.