College of Arts and Sciences

Administrative Officers

J. Dwayne Hooks, Jr, Interim Dean
Joe Johnson, Assistant Dean

Mission and Goals

The largest and most comprehensive academic unit at Clayton State, the College of Arts & Sciences provides a solid foundation that is integral to the education of all students. Through our diverse faculty and wide-ranging programs in the humanities, arts, natural sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and interdisciplinary studies, we encourage the quest for a deeper understanding of the human condition, and we foster personal commitment to lifelong learning and responsible citizenship for the global community. We are dedicated to helping students become marketplace competitive by developing high demand essential skills (e.g., analytical inquiry and reasoning, effective written communication , persuasive speaking and quantitative fluency), while also promoting novel and adaptive thinking, aesthetic values, new media and information literacy, and cross-cultural competency. We strive to provide students with a rigorous grounding in their chosen fields of study, an acute awareness of the interconnectedness of disciplines, opportunities for service learning and engagement, and an exposure to the discovery of knowledge. We seek to create a robust and challenging intellectual environment that enhances individual growth, supports scholarly activities, enriches creative endeavors, and empowers students to achieve their academic, professional, and career dreams.

The College of Arts and Sciences has six primary objectives:

  1. To offer baccalaureate and graduate degree programs
  2. To give students a sound background in general education
  3. To provide course work in support of programs of study in other Colleges of the University
  4. To offer programs for pre-Professional areas of study 
  5. To encourage community outreach and public service
  6. To prepare students for success in life after Clayton

Instructional Organization

The College of Arts & Sciences is composed of more than two dozen academic programs and offers the following undergraduate degrees. Graduate degree programs can be found under the School of Graduate Studies.