Supply Chain Management, BBA

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Program Learning Outcomes

Our BBA graduates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate skills and attributes commonly expected of a business professional in an internship or other experiential engagement
  • Demonstrate foundational knowledge in Accounting, Finance, Operations, Strategy, Marketing, during decision making for a competitive business environment
  • Apply foundational knowledge in Accounting, Finance, Operations, Strategy, Marketing, during decision making for a competitive business environment
  • Demonstrate successful business communication skills.
  • Recognize concepts in ethics and cultural diversity for decision making.
  • Apply analytic tools in decision making.                                                                                                                                                         
  • Apply information technology tools in decision making.

Consistent with the mission of the College of Business, the mission of the Supply Chain Management Discipline is to provide a broad-based general business education that prepares students for careers in Supply Chain Management and related fields.  In addition to the BBA Learning Outcomes, upon successful completion of the program, Supply Chain Management majors will be able to:  

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  1. Describe the basic principles of supply chain management and techniques used to analyze current transportation and logistics systems
  2. Analyze the effectiveness of warehousing and operations in logistics systems
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the procurement process in a global setting and its effect on a firm's supply chain
  4. Apply performance metrics to identify problems and opportunities to improve supply chain effectiveness

Program Requirements

All core curriculum recommendations are shown under the Core IMPACTS section of the Undergraduate Graduation Requirements.
Field of Study - Supply Chain Management18
ACCT 2101Principles of Financial Accounting3
ACCT 2102Principles Managerial Accounting3
BLAW 2106Legal Environment of Business3
BUSA 1105Introduction to Business3
BUSA 2101Business Analytics3
ECON 2105Principles of Macroeconomics 13
or ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
Upper Division Business Core Requirements18
FINA 3101Corporate Finance3
MGMT 3101Mgmt. Prin. & Org. Behavior3
MGMT 3120Business Communication3
MKTG 3101Principles of Marketing3
MKTG 3420Global Business3
SCML 3102Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt3
Required Supply Chain Management Major Courses24
SCML 3105Intro to Transportation & Log.3
SCML 3106Principles-Supply Chain Mgmt3
SCML 3580Operations and Warehouse Mgmt3
SCML 4105Global Sourcing in SCM3
SCML 4170Financial Issues in SCM3
SCML 4750Performance Measurement in SCM3
BUSA 4101Advanced Business Analytics3
or MKTG 4104 Market Research and Analytics
BUSA 4850Internship/Cooperative Education3
or BUSA 4851 Internship/Cooperative Educati
or BUSA 4852 Internship/Cooperative Educati
General Electives 215
Business Capstone3
MGMT 4750Strategic Management3
Total Credit Hours120

ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics should be taken in area E4 or as a free elective.


Fifteen (15) credit hours of general electives. Three (3) credit hours must be from business courses with an ACCT, BLAW, BUSA, ECON, FINA, MGMT, MKTG, SCML prefix at the 3000 level or higher.  The remaining twelve 3 (12) credit hours are open electives (they could be business or non-business courses). Open electives may be at a lower level than 3000. Courses with the following prefixes will not counted in this category: AVIA, CSU, PARA, TECH. Only one internship course can be taken as an elective (this is in addition to the internship taken to satisfy the Required Major Supply Management Chain Courses).


ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics must be taken as a non-business elective if not taken to satisfy the area E4 requirement.

Please Note: This is a suggested course sequence and assumes a starting freshman with no prior college credit who intends to complete their degree in four years. Students should consult with their academic advisor and review the course prerequisites and minimum grade requirements as seen in the Academic Catalog. 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3
MATH 1101 Intro to Mathematical Modeling 3
Communication or Foreign Language Core Area B2 2-3
POLS 1101 American Government 3
BUSA 1105 Introduction to Business 3
 Credit Hours14-15
Second Semester
ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3
Science Course with Lab Core Area D1 4
Math, Science, or Technology Course Core Area D2 3
ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
BLAW 2106 Legal Environment of Business 3
 Credit Hours16
Second Year
First Semester
Science Course without Lab Core Area D1 3
ACCT 2101 Principles of Financial Acct. 3
CPTG 2201 Adv. Computer Applications 3
ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics 3
SCML 3105 Intro to Transportation & Log. 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
CRIT 1101 Critical Thinking 3
ACCT 2102 Principles Managerial Acct. 3
BUSA 3101 Business Statistics 3
MGMT 3101 Mgmt. Prin. & Org. Behavior 3
SCML 3106 Principles-Supply Chain Mgmt 3
 Credit Hours15
Third Year
First Semester
Literature, Philosophy, or Foreign Language Core Area C1 3
HIST 2111
Survey of US History to 1877
or US HIST Since Reconstruction
MGMT 3120 Business Communication,Managerial Communication 3
SCML 3102 Operations & Supply Chain Mgmt 3
SCML 3580 Operations and Warehouse Mgmt 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
Fine Arts or Intermediate Foreign Language Core Area C2 3
HIST 1111
Survey-PreModern World History
or Survey of Modern World History
or Critical Trends and Issues
or Intro to Global Issues
MKTG 3101 Principles of Marketing 3
MKTG 3420 Global Business 3
SCML 4105 Global Sourcing in SCM 3
 Credit Hours15
Fourth Year
First Semester
BUSA 4850 Internship/Cooperative Educati 3
SCML 4170 Financial Issues in SCM 3
SCML 4750 Performance Measurement in SCM 3
FINA 3101 Corporate Finance 3
An ACCT, BLAW, BUSA, FINA, MGMT, MKTG, SCML prefix (at the 3000 level or higher) 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
Business or non-business courses (Must be at the 3000 level or higher) 6
MGMT 4750 Strategic Management 3
Business or non-business courses (Business must be at the 3000 level or higher, non-business could be lower than 3000 level) 6
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours120-121

Grade "C" or higher required for all Area F and upper division courses.

Internship is required for all Supply Chain Majors beginning with the 2019-2020 Catalog.  No more than two internships may be taken for credit.