History BA, Secondary Education Concentration

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  1. Discuss historical findings in clear and coherent presentations.
  2. Perform historical research using primary and secondary sources in libraries, archive, and other repositories of historical events.
  3. Identify and evaluate conflicting historical interpretations of events and personalities.
  4. Write in a clear, analytical and organized manner, demonstrating appropriate professional documentation methods.
  5. Identify and critically evaluate primary and secondary historical sources.
  6. Identify and describe basic chronologies of US and world history.

Program Requirements

All core curriculum recommendations are shown under the Core IMPACTS section of the Undergraduate Graduation Requirements.
Field of Study - History18
World Language Option
For History & Secondary Education majors, knowledge of a world language is strongly recommended.0-6
Lower Division Major Requirements
Choose 12 hours from the following: 112
Survey-PreModern World History (whichever *not* taken in Core IMPACTS)
Survey of Modern World History
Survey of US History to 1877 (whichever *not* taken in Core IMPACTS)
US History Since Reconstruction
Historical Methods
Critical Trends and Issues
Lower Division Major Electives0-6
Choose 0-6 hours from the following:
Introduction to African American Studies
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Elementary Statistics
Introduction to Philosophy
Ethics, History, and Contemporary Perpsectives
Introduction to Aesthetics
Intro to Political Science
Intro to Global Issues
Intro to Human Development
Introduction to Sociology
Modern Families
Upper Division History Major Requirements18
HIST 3001Historiography3
HIST 3110Georgia History and Government3
HIST 3700U.S. Historical Geography3
or HIST 3800 World Historical Geography
HIST 4250History of World Religions3
HIST 3601Methods for Teaching History3
HIST 4850Senior Thesis in History3
Upper Division U.S. History Electives9
Choose nine hours from the following:
Intro to Public History
Establishment-US 1607-1800
The Age of Jefferson & Jackson
The Civil War Era
The Reconstruction Era
US-Gilded Age & Prog. Era
Themes-Twentieth Cen. US Hist.
U.S. History, 1914-1945
Modern America, 1945-present
History through Film
Business & Economic History
Family History & Genealogical Resources
U.S. Military History
Women's History
Environmental History
History of the Old South
History of the New South
African American Hist. to 1877
African Am. Hist. since 1877
Selected Topics in History
Upper Division World History Electives 49
Choose nine hours from the following:
Twentieth Century World
Colonial Latin America
Modern Latin America
History of Mexico
History of Sub Sahara Africa
Spec. Topics in Hist-Mid. East
Pre-Modern East Asian History
Modern East Asian History
Pre-Modern South Asia History
Modern South Asian History
Pre-Modern Russian History
Modern Russian History
History of Middle East to 1800
History of Middle East-1800
Ancient Greece and Rome
History of the Middle Ages
Early Modern Europe
Europe Since 1815
Secondary Teacher Education Emphasis Area27
EDUC 2110Invest. Critical/Contem. Issue3
EDUC 2120Exploring Socio-Culture3
EDUC 2130Exploring Teaching and Learning3
EDUC 3030Exploring the Exceptional Learner3
EDUC 3200Secondary Curr. & Assessment3
EDUC 3210Classroom Methods & Mgmt.3
EDUC 4003Secondary Level Seminar1
EDUC 4725Secondary Practicum2
EDUC 4730Secondary Level Internship3
EDUC 4731Secondary Level Internship3
Total Credit Hours123

Grades of C or better are required for all lower division HIST courses.

Education Policies and Procedures

Education students are bound by the rules and policies stated in the Teacher Education Unit Policy Manual and in the Intern Handbook. Both are posted on the Teacher Education home page at http://www.clayton.edu/teachered. Please see the Department of Teacher Education for admission, graduation, and certification requirements.

Please Note: This is a suggested course sequence and assumes a starting freshman with no prior college credit who intends to complete their degree in four years. Students should consult with their academic advisor and review the course prerequisites and minimum grade requirements as seen in the Academic Catalog. 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
ENGL 1101 English Composition I Core IMPACTS 3
MATH 1101 Intro to Mathematical Modeling Core IMPACTS 3
CRIT 1101 Critical Thinking Core IMPACTS 3
POLS 1101 American Government Core IMPACTS 3
HIST 1111 Survey-PreModern World History Core IMPACTS 3
CSU 1000 First Year Seminar 1 0-1
 Credit Hours15-16
Second Semester
ENGL 1102 English Composition II Core IMPACTS 3
HIST 1112 Survey of Modern World History 3
Communication or Foreign Language Core IMPACTS 2
HIST 2111 Survey of US History to 1877 Core IMPACTS 3
AFAM 2010
Intro-African American Studies Core IMPACTS
or Survey of Economics
or Principles of Macroeconomics
or Principles of Microeconomics
or Intro to General Psychology
or Introduction to Sociology
or Intro to Women's Studies
 Credit Hours14
Second Year
First Semester
HIST 2112 US HIST Since Reconstruction 3
Literature, Philosophy, or Foreign Language Core IMPACTS 3
HIST 2750 Critical Trends and Issues 3
Science Course with Lab Core IMPACTS 4
EDUC 2110 Invest. Critical/Contem. Issue 3
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
Fine Arts or Intermediate Foreign Language Core IMPACTS 3
AFAM 2010
Intro-African American Studies
or Principles of Macroeconomics
or Principles of Microeconomics
or Elementary Statistics
or Introduction to Philosophy
or Ethics/History/Cntmpry Persp
or Intro to Aesthetics
or Intro to Political Science
or Intro to Global Issues
or Intro to Human Development
or Introduction to Sociology
or Modern Families
Science Course without Lab Core IMPACTS 3
EDUC 2120 Exploring Socio-Culture 3
HIST 3700
U.S. Historical Geography
or World Historical Geography
 Credit Hours15
Third Year
First Semester
EDUC 2130 Exploring Learning & Teaching 3
EDUC 3030 Exploring-Exceptional Learner 3
Math, Science, or Technology Course Core Area D2 3
HIST 2500 Historical Methods 2 3
US History Elective (3000/4000 Course) 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
HIST 4250 History of World Religions 3
EDUC 3210 Classroom Methods & Mgmt. 3
HIST 3110 Georgia History and Government 3
HIST 3001 Historiography 2 3
US History Elective (3000/4000 HIST Course) 3
 Credit Hours15
Fourth Year
First Semester
HIST 4850 Senior Thesis in History 2 3
World History Elective (3000/4000 HIST Course) 3
EDUC 3200 Secondary Curr. & Assessment 3
EDUC 4725 Secondary Practicum 2
HIST 3601 Methods for Teaching History 3
US History Elective (3000/4000 HIST Course) 3
 Credit Hours17
Second Semester
World History Elective (3000/4000 HIST Course) 3
EDUC 4003 Secondary Level Seminar 1
EDUC 4730 Secondary Level Internship 3
EDUC 4731 Secondary Level Internship 3
World History Elective (3000/4000 HIST Course) 3
AFAM 2010
Intro-African American Studies
or Principles of Macroeconomics
or Principles of Microeconomics
or Elementary Statistics
or Introduction to Philosophy
or Ethics/History/Cntmpry Persp
or Intro to Aesthetics
or Intro to Political Science
or Intro to Global Issues
or Intro to Human Development
or Introduction to Sociology
or Modern Families
 Credit Hours16
 Total Credit Hours123-124

First-time traditional students enrolling in 9 or more semester hours are required to enroll in CSU 1000 First Year Seminar


HIST 2500, HIST 3001, and HIST 4850 are designed to be taken in a three-semester sequence.

Grades of "C" or above are required in ALL history courses and education courses.