Grading System

Every course listed on a student’s official semester schedule as of the end of the schedule change period will be listed on the student’s permanent record with some grade designation or symbol, even though the student may not complete the semester’s work.

The following grades are assigned and are calculated into grade point average (GPA):

Grade Symbol Numerical Equivalent
A: Excellent 4.00
B: Good 3.00
C: Satisfactory 2.00
D: Minimum passing 1.00
F: Failure 0.00
WF: Withdrew, failing 0.00

The following grade symbols show on the transcript but are not included in the GPA:

  • S/USatisfactory/Unsatisfactory. Indicates satisfactory completion of a course graded on a “satisfactory/unsatisfactory” basis. Use of S/U grading is limited to certain laboratory, clinical, activity, and field based courses. Hours earned with a grade of S may count toward graduation, but they do not affect grade point average.  Hours earned with a grade of U may not count toward graduation and will not affect grade point average.
  • I Incomplete. Indicates that a student was doing satisfactory work, but due to non-academic reasons beyond the student’s control, the student was unable to meet the full requirements of the course. A grade of I is appropriate only when the unfinished requirements can be clearly delineated and constitute a relatively small part of the course; otherwise withdrawal is appropriate. It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the request for an I by contacting the relevant instructor, department head, associate dean, or dean in a timely manner before the end of the term or session. The assignment of an I requires the written approval of the dean or associate dean of the school. To remove an I and convert it to a grade, the student must contact the instructor (or department head or associate dean or dean if the instructor is unavailable) in a timely manner and arrange to complete the course requirements. (An individual who has an I pending but is not otherwise enrolled may not retain possession of University-owned equipment, and the individual has access to campus facilities and services only to the extent necessary to complete course requirements.) A grade of I that is not converted to another grade during the next semester of attendance or within one calendar year (whichever comes first) will automatically be changed to the grade F.
  • WWithdrew. Indicates that a student withdrew before midterm or withdrew after midterm but with hardship approval.
  • V Audit. Indicates that a student audited a course. Students may not change from audit to credit status or vice versa.
  • KCredit by Examination/Experience. Indicates that the student was given credit for the course via a credit by examination or experience program.
  • NRNot Reported. This symbol indicates a grade was not reported to the Office of the Registrar. It is a temporary grade and will be changed by the Registrar upon certification of actual grade by the appropriate dean or associate dean.