Basic Student Responsibilities

Students have responsibility for the development of their academic, social, and career goals. As part of their educational experiences at Clayton State, students are responsible and accountable for their academic choices and actions. They are responsible for reviewing, understanding, and abiding by the regulations, procedures, requirements, and deadlines described in official publications including the Catalog, the Student Handbook, Class Schedules, and applicable Departmental Student Handbooks.

Responsibilities in the Classroom

Each student is expected to:

  • attend class;
  • arrive for class on time and leave the classroom only at the end of class;
  • engage in class discussions and activities when appropriate;
  • exhibit classroom behavior that is not disruptive of the learning environment;
  • make arrangements so that any children for which they are responsible are not brought into classroom buildings during class time;
  • secure and turn off all electronic communications and entertainment devices during class time unless otherwise directed by the course instructor. Any use of a cell phone or other unauthorized electronic devise during an examination may lead to an accusation of academic dishonesty, which may ultimately lead to expulsion from the University.

Course Responsibilities

Each student is expected to:

  • observe the prerequisites, co-requisites and other requirements for the course;
  • obtain and understand the course syllabus;
  • keep up with the coursework, complete all courses requirements, submit all assignments, and take all scheduled examinations;
  • address any conflicts in scheduling with the instructor as soon as possible and in accordance with course policies concerning scheduled course activities;
  • review all graded material and seek help if necessary;
  • notify the instructor of any documented disabilities that might interfere with completion of course work as soon as possible;
  • fairly and thoughtfully complete the course and instructor evaluation forms.

Academic Progress

Each student is expected to take an active part in assessing his or her academic progress each semester, and to monitor progress towards completion of graduation requirements. Each student is expected to:

  • review academic policies and procedures described in the current Catalog as well as in applicable Departmental Student Handbooks.
  • know basic University, school or college, and departmental admission, progression and graduation requirements in their chosen majors and minors so they may plan completion of these requirements;
  • meet each semester with the academic advisor to review academic progress, program plan and continuing enrollments.
  • maintain personal copies of a tentative degree plan, progress reports, general educational material, and transfer credit evaluations until after graduation;
  • see that any academic records from other universities are transferred and received by all the appropriate offices for evaluation.

Interactions with Faculty and Other Students

Each student is expected to:

  • understand the concept of academic honesty and adhere to its principles;
  • be respectful and polite to all faculty and other students;
  • be familiar with and abide by the University's sexual harassment policies as well as University policies regarding consensual relationships between instructors and students;
  • consult the Student Conduct Code (and corresponding subsections) within the Student Handbook about other aspects of student conduct in and out of the classroom.