Computer Devices
Clayton State set a precedence in 1998 by being one of the first public universities to require all students to use laptop computers. We continue this tradition by requiring on demand access to an appropriate computing device for academic assignments and communications. The teaching and learning process continues to evolve using technology as a tool. Your University email address is the method of communication with the campus community. As you select your device make sure it will meet the requirements for your course of study.
In short every student should have on demand access to a computer device that meets the requirements for all academic assignments and communications. Be prepared to take your computer to class.
For hardware and software specifications and additional details, go to the CSU Computer Requirements & Recommendations website.
- Computer Access. As a Clayton State student you are required to have on demand access to a laptop computer that meets faculty-approved hardware and software requirements for your academic program.
- Student options for “access” may include personal ownership, lease, rent, or share a laptop computer that meets minimum requirements as long as the student has regular, unrestricted access to the computer.
- A list of preferred vendors are available on the CSU Computer Requirements & Recommendations website. Vendors are given preferred status only after training and authorizing the Clayton State help desk (the HUB) to perform in-warranty repairs on laptop computers purchased by Clayton State students. Use of a Clayton State preferred vendor is not required.
- Available Software. Office 365 is available for your laptop computer and other web browser supported devices.
- Clayton State makes all features of Microsoft Office 365 available to currently enrolled students as part of the $57.00 technology fee. It will be the student’s responsibility to access the features via login with the CSU issued email account at For assistance students should contact the HUB.
- Your email and Office 365 account are dependent on your attendance at Clayton State University. If you stop attending Clayton State University for 4 semesters your email and Office 365 account will be disabled and all contents deleted. Clayton State University graduates are allowed to keep their accounts in perpetuity, although access to Microsoft applications will be web only.
- Additional software necessary for specific courses and/or programs will be available for purchase from the Loch Shop, Clayton State’s Book Store and/or other vendors. The HUB can assist as needed with installation.
- Antivirus software is required to access the Clayton State University network, wired and wireless. Many ISPs include free antivirus software with their service.
- Internet Access. Each Clayton State student is required to have access to the Internet and to use your Clayton State issued e-mail address.
- As a Clayton State student you are responsible for making your own arrangement with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Check with your local providers for availability, speeds and pricing. You are encouraged to pay careful attention to the ISP’s reputation for reliability and customer service.
- Resident students will have Internet access provided by Clayton State.
- To access the University network, wired or wireless, you are required to have up to date antivirus software and register your device the first time you connect on campus.
- As a CSU student you are required to agree to and abide by The Computer and Network Acceptable Usage Policy. This policy is intended to clarify existing laws, agreements, and regulations regarding CSU computing resources.
- Clayton State will provide each student with an e-mail address. The student will be responsible for monitoring this address on a regular basis for assignments and official communications from Clayton State faculty and administrators.