Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Science and Master of Science in Cyber Technology (MSCT)

Program Requirements

Entrance requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Master of Science in Cyber Technology combined degrees are:

  • 3.0 GPA
  • Junior Standing
  • Acceptance into Graduate School

Freshman – Junior Standing Requirements

Students will complete the course requirements for undergraduate BSCS.

Senior Standing Requirements 

Students will complete up to 6 credit hours of approved graduate-level CSCI courses in the final 2 semesters along with their remaining undergraduate coursework. 

The student must submit the following to Graduate Admissions during their senior year: application, application processing fee, and transcripts from all institutions attended.

Please note: This is a suggested course sequence. 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3
MATH 1112
Trigonometry & Analytic Geom
or Pre-Calculus
POLS 1101 American Government Core Area E1 3
HIST 2111
Survey of US History to 1877 Core Area E3
or US HIST Since Reconstruction
CSCI 1301 Computer Science I 3
CSU 1000 First Year Seminar 1
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3
CRIT 1101 Critical Thinking 3
CSCI 1100 Applied Computing 3
CSCI 1302 Computer Science II 3
MATH 2020 Introductory Discrete Math 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Year
First Semester
Foreign Languages or Communication Area B2 1
Literature, Philosophy, or Foreign Language Core Area C1 3
1st Natural Sciences with Lab Area D1 4
MATH 1501 Calculus I 4
CSCI 2302 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
Fine Arts OR Intermediate Foreign Language Core Area C2 3
HIST 1111
Survey-PreModern World History Core Area E2
or Survey of Modern World History
or Critical Trends and Issues
or Intro to Global Issues
CSCI 2305 Computer Org. & Architecture 3
MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics 3
MATH 2502 Calculus II 4
 Credit Hours16
Third Year
First Semester
2nd Natural Sciences with Lab Core Area D1 4
MATH 2140 Introductory Linear Algebra 3
CSCI 3305 Operating Systems 3
CSCI 3306 Computer Networks & Security 3
CSCI 3310 Databases Design & Implement. 3
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
AFAM 2010
Intro-African American Studies Core Area E4
or Survey of Economics
or Principles of Macroeconomics
or Principles of Microeconomics
or Intro to General Psychology
or Introduction to Sociology
or Intro to Women's Studies
CSCI 3300 Professional Dev and Ethics 3
CSCI 3320 Software Engineering Design 3
CSCI 3333 Programming Languages 3
Area F Course * 4
 Credit Hours16
 Total Credit Hours94

Cybersecurity Concentration and General Computer Science Concentration

Plan of Study Grid
Fourth Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
CSCI 4333 Theory of Computation 3
CSCI 4320 Software Engineering Practicum 3
CSCI 5701 Introduction to Cybersecurity 1, 2 3
Major Concentration 3
ENGL 3900 Professional & Tech. Writing 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
CSCI 5317 Operating Systems Admin& Secur 2, 3 3
Major Concentration 3
Major Concentration 3
Free Elective 3
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours27

Big Data Concentration

Plan of Study Grid
Fourth Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
CSCI 4333 Theory of Computation 3
CSCI 4320 Software Engineering Practicum 3
Major Concentration 3
Major Concentration 3
ENGL 3900 Professional & Tech. Writing 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
Major Concentration 3
Major Concentration 3
Major Concentration 3
CSCI 5701 Introduction to Cybersecurity 1, 2 3
CSCI 5317 Operating Systems Admin& Secur 3, 4 3
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours30

Applied Project Track (Fifth Year)

Plan of Study Grid
Fifth Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
CSCI 5306 Computer & Networks Security 3
CSCI 5601 Software Security 3
Concentration Course 3
CSCI 6574 Research Techniques 3
 Credit Hours12
Second Semester
CSCI 6599 Special Project 3
Concentration Course 3
Concentration Course 3
Concentration Course 3
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours24

Thesis Track (Fifth Year)

Plan of Study Grid
Fifth Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
CSCI 5306 Computer & Networks Security 3
CSCI 5601 Software Security 3
CSCI 6574 Research Techniques 3
Concentration Course 3
 Credit Hours12
Second Semester
CSCI 6600 Thesis 3
Concentration Course 3
Concentration Course 3
Concentration Course 3
 Credit Hours12
 Total Credit Hours24

MATH 2503 Calculus III OR 3rd Calculus III OR 3rd Natural Sciences with Lab.


Students who take CSCI 5701 Introduction to Cybersecurity in their senior year should not take CSCI 4701 or ITMM 4423 Security for E-Commerce.


Dual Credit-Course counts toward both degrees.


Students who take CSCI 5317 Operating Systems Admin& Secur should not take CSCI 4317 OS Security, Prog, & Admin or ITFN 4601 OS Security, Prog, & Admin.


The 3 credit-hours count only toward master’s degree.