Children on Campus Policy


The purpose of this policy is to assure the appropriate supervision of children on campus and outline appropriate conditions, locations, and situations where children are permitted while maintaining an appropriate academic environment for collegiate-level teaching and learning, research, co-curricular activities, and all of the related work that supports the academic life of the University.


  • Children: Minors under age 18 and not enrolled at the University; for the purposes of this policy, the same allowances, restrictions, and procedures apply whether more than one minor or a single minor, child, is involved.
  • Minors Enrolled as Students: Properly enrolled students under age 18 have the rights and privileges of any other student in the classroom and on campus grounds and are subject to the University’s Student Code of Conduct.
  • Supervised child: If an adult is responsible for a child, and is directing his/her attention to the health, safety, or welfare of a child; and is accompanying a child for which he/she is responsible, the child shall be considered to be supervised.
  • Unsupervised child: If an adult is responsible for a child, and is performing work, teaching, participating in class or is otherwise engaged in any activity that distracts his/her attention from the health, safety, or welfare of a child; or is not accompanying a child for which he/she is responsible, the child shall be considered to be     unsupervised.

General Policy

Work areas of the campus and housing facilities generally are not appropriate environments for extended visits by children unless a University-sponsored program or event designed for children is being held in such areas. Such sponsored programs or events may have separate supervision/chaperone requirements depending on the nature/type of program or activity.

The following sections address the presence of children in specific areas of campus:

  • Buildings, Offices and Workspaces: Supervised children are welcome to visit buildings, campus offices and non-instructional and non-hazardous work spaces for short, occasional visits when accompanied by a responsible adult.
  • Library: Minors enrolled as students, as defined above, have the same library privileges as adult Clayton State University students. Children not enrolled as students are welcome to visit the library for short, occasional visits when accompanied by a responsible adult. All children must abide by Clayton State University Library policies related to the use of library resources and equipment.
  • Classrooms: Attendance at class meetings should be limited to instructors, enrolled students, and prospective students and visitors invited by the instructor to participate in/contribute to student learning in the course.

If, despite this policy statement, a student brings a child to class, the faculty member may treat the presence of the child as Disruption of the Learning Environment as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct, and the student may be subject to disciplinary procedures.

The foregoing policy regarding classrooms should be included in course syllabi.


Per the University Housing Visitation Policy, non-resident guests under the age of 16 are not permitted in university housing unless accompanied by a parent or guardian, and may not stay overnight at any time without prior written permission from the University Housing Office. All nonresident guests are subject to guest sign-in requirements and other rules and regulations for each facility, the responsibility for which lies with the University housing resident.


University Employees: Children under age 18 of University employees may be permitted to come to campus in emergency situations so long as they are supervised by a responsible adult and the employee's supervisor and/or department head approves of the child being on campus based on the facts of the situation presented by the employee. Any such permission is for one-time and/or unforeseen events and cannot be used in place of having regular childcare.

University Students: Minors under the age of 16, who are not registered as students at Clayton State University, must be accompanied on campus at all times, and cannot attend class. In the case of an unexpected childcare issue, students are encouraged to communicate with instructors to find a solution to the parent’s absence from class. 


If an unsupervised child is observed on campus, the individual observing the child should attempt to obtain the child’s name, ensure that the child is not in danger, and report the situation immediately to the Clayton State Department of Public Safety and if possible remain with the child or children until police arrive. Campus police will attempt to locate the child’s (children’s) parents or legal guardians or caregiver to remedy the situation. If the parent or guardian or caregiver cannot be found in a reasonable amount of time, Campus Police may refer the situation to the Clayton County Department of Family and Child Services or other appropriate agency.


If a faculty or staff member, student, or visitor observes treatment of a child that is in violation of federal or state laws, local ordinances, or University policies, the person observing the treatment should notify the Clayton State Department of Public Safety and, if necessary, emergency medical service immediately and respond as is safe and appropriate to protect the health and safety of the child until police arrive.


For an emergency involving a child on campus:

  • Call Clayton State Department of Public Safety at (678) 466-4050.

Students who need to discuss a childcare concern:

  • Division of Student Affairs/Dean of Students (678) 466-5444
  • Counseling and Psychological Services (678) 466-5406

Additional online resources may be found on the Clayton State University Human Resources page: HR Resource and Policies.