Computer Science, BS

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  1. Solve complex and significant problems with professional skill by formulating efficient and effective algorithmic solutions to a wide variety of sophisticated problems normally encountered in computing and in academe
  2. Express algorithms clearly and correctly in a variety of programming languages
  3. Apply core concepts in computer science
  4. Apply professional and ethical standards to computing related disciplines
  5. Collaborate in teams to accomplish common goals
  6. Demonstrate an ability to acquire, interpret, and communicate results orally or in writing

Program Requirements

All core curriculum recommendations are shown under the Core IMPACTS section of the Undergraduate Graduation Requirements.
Field of Study - Computer Science18
CSCI 1100Applied Computing3
CSCI 1301Computer Science I3
CSCI 1302Computer Science II3
CSCI 2302Data Structures and Algorithms3
CSCI 2305Computer Organization and Architecture3
MATH 2020Introductory Discrete Math3
Additional Lower Division Major Requirements15
MATH 1501Calculus I (carry-over taken in Area A2 or D2)1
MATH 1401Elementary Statistics3
MATH 2140Introductory Linear Algebra3
MATH 2502Calculus II 14
Choose one from the following:4
Principles of Physics I
and Principles of Physics Lab I
Principles of Chemistry I
and Principles of Chemistry Laboratory I
Principles of Biology I
and Principles of Biology Lab I
Calculus III
Upper Division Major Requirements24
CSCI 3300Professional Development and Ethics3
CSCI 3305Operating Systems3
CSCI 3306Computer Networks and Security3
CSCI 3310Databases Design and Implementation3
CSCI 3320Software Engineering Design3
CSCI 3333Programming Languages3
CSCI 4333Theory of Computation3
or CSCI 4334 Algorithm Design and Analysis
Choose one from the following:3
Software Engineering Practicum
Computer Science Research
Internship in Computer Science
Major Concentration15
Choose one concentration from the following:
Technical Writing3
ENGL 3900Professional & Tech. Writing3
Free Elective3-6
Choose three to six hours of free electives. 2
Total Credit Hours120

Major Concentration Requirements

Big Data Concentration

CSCI 4201Advanced Topics in Databases3
CSCI 4202Data and Visual Analytics3
CSCI 4307Artificial Intelligence3
CSCI 4308Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computing3
MATH 3220Applied Statistics3
or MATH 4350 Graph Theory
Total Credit Hours15

Computer Engineering Concentration

ENGR 3020Electronics3
ENGR 3040Digital Circuits and Computer Design3
ENGR 4120Embedded Systems4
Two additional courses 3000+ level with ENGR prefix6
Total Credit Hours16

Cybersecurity Concentration

CSCI 3601Software Security, Testing and Quality Assurance3
or ITFN 3316 SW Security, Testing, and QA
CSCI 4317Operating System Security, Programming and Administration3
or ITFN 4601 OS Security, Prog, & Admin
ITNW 4501Network Planning and Design3
ITNW 4502Secure Networks & Comm. Protoc3
ITMM 4423Security for E-Commerce3
Total Credit Hours15

Games Design and Programming Concentration

CSCI 3301Game Design & Programming3
CSCI 4301Game Design & Programming II3
CSCI 4304Computer Graphics3
CSCI 4307Artificial Intelligence3
CSCI 4315Human Computer Interface3
or CSCI 4601 Mobile Software Development
Total Credit Hours15

General Computer Science Concentration

Choose 15 hours of upper-division CSCI courses.

Other Program-Specific Graduation Requirements

Computer Science students must earn a grade of C or better (or K) in the following courses:

  • All IT courses (i.e., courses with ITDB, ITFN, ITNW, ITMM, and WBIT prefixes)

  • All CS courses (i.e., courses with CSCI prefix)

  • ENGL 1101 English Composition I & ENGL 1102 English Composition II; CRIT 1101 Critical Thinking 

  • All MATH courses applied toward graduation

  • All upper division courses applied toward graduation.


One hour of carry-over if MATH 2502 Calculus II was taken in Area D2, otherwise must take MATH 2502 Calculus II to satisfy this requirement with 4 hours applied here.


If MATH 2502 Calculus II was used for satisfying Area D2, then six credit hours remain as free electives.

Please Note: This is a suggested course sequence and assumes a starting freshman with no prior college credit who intends to complete their degree in four years. Students should consult with their academic advisor and review the course prerequisites and minimum grade requirements as seen in the Academic Catalog. 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
ENGL 1101 English Composition I 3
 Credit Hours3
 Total Credit Hours3