Interdisciplinary Studies, BS

The Interdisciplinary Studies program provides the opportunity for a student to work with an advisor to design a curriculum that meets the student’s career and educational needs. This flexibility enables students to develop academic programs that meet the ever-changing requirements of the world of work. A Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies can also be designed to prepare students for graduate school in certain disciplines and professions.

Admission and Readmission Requirements

Before beginning upper-division study in Integrative Studies, applicants must:

  1. Have completed 45 semester credit hours;
  2. Have completed ENGL 1101 English Composition I and ENGL 1102 English Composition II with a grade of A, B, C, or K.

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  1. Identify and analyze knowledge and concepts from integration of multiple disciplines to produce awareness of diverse ideas in perspective-taking.
  2. Develop and recognize integrative thinking when solving complex issues that will allow student to understand the intellectual connections between disciplinary fields
  3. Engage in a semester long internship that practices observational and participatory learning to enhance career readiness skills.
  4. Formulate critical thinking skills at levels required for effective performance in professional, social, or cultural contexts associated with the student’s career needs in an effort to produce global citizens that can articulate their own values.
  5. Perform creative expression through advanced communication skills (written, spoken and computer- based) for preparation in today’s complex and ever-changing society.

Program Requirements

All core curriculum recommendations are shown under the Core IMPACTS section of the Undergraduate Graduation Requirements.
Field of Study - Interdisciplinary Studies18
Courses applied in this category cannot also satisfy Core Curriculum category requirements of Core IMPACTS. Coursework varies depending on student’s academic areas of study.
IDST 1105Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies3
Upper Division Required Courses6
INTE 3901Integ Studies Practicum/Intern3
INTE 4500Integrative Studies Capstone (students will complete this course during their senior year)3
Upper Division Area Major Courses 39
Courses applied in this category will vary depending on student’s academic area of study. No more than 18 hours of 1000-2000 level coursework may be applied to this category, including lower-level courses for applicable Minors. 1
Concentration/Minor Courses15
The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies requires students to complete a concentration of five (5) upper division (3000-4000 level) courses in a single disciplinary area or specified concentration such as the following: 2
Fine Arts Performance – ARTS/DANC/MUSC/THEA
Organizational Enterprise – ENGL/COMM/CMS/JOUR/MGMT/MKTG
Technology and Information Sciences – CSCI/HCMG/ITFN/MATH/TECH
Total Credit Hours120
No more than two grades of D are applied in this category. 1000 and/or 2000 level courses applied in this section are included in this restriction. A grade of C or higher is required in all INTE courses.
Students may take up to 9 hours of Internships (e.g. INTE 3901 Integ Studies Practicum/Intern,INTE 3902 Integ Studies Practicum/Intern,INTE 3903 Integ Studies Practicum/Intern), but students may only register for one internship per semester. Additional terms of internship will be applied in this upper division section.
Students may also obtain the Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies degree by completing a Minor. Minors applicable to Interdisciplinary Studies require 18 hours of coursework and the additional 3 credit hour course will apply in the Upper-Division Area Major Courses section.

Completing courses in a single disciplinary area, specified concentrations, or declaring a minor will allow students to claim a strong knowledge base in an area of their choice, while helping them move towards achievement of their academic and career goals.

Courses with the following prefixes will not apply towards the BS in Interdisciplinary Studies: AVEL, AVMT, CAPL, CITZ, CNET, DHYG, DSGN, ELEC, EMS, FSMD, HDSK, INET, MEDA, MKMC, OMED, SUPR, TECH (Upper-division OFFC and TECH courses will apply), TELE and WCOM.

Other courses which do not apply: CCSU, PHED, Learning Support courses, WLAB and courses designed specifically for other majors (exceptions: approval of the Department Chair).

Other Program-Specific Graduation Requirements

  1. A minimum of 42 hours must be completed in upper-division courses.
  2. All INTE courses must be taken in residence at Clayton State.
  3. A grade of C or higher is required in all INTE courses.
  4. Up to 9 hours of Cross-Registration in the Atlanta Regional Consortium for Higher Education, study abroad, or distance learning may be counted as in-residence if the courses are approved in advance as part of the student's Integrative Studies program of study.