Interdisciplinary Studies, AA

The Associate of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies program provides the opportunity for a student to work with an advisor to design a curriculum that meets the student’s career and educational needs. This flexibility enables students to develop academic programs that meet the ever-changing requirements of the world of work.

Program Requirements

All core curriculum recommendations are shown under the Core IMPACTS section of the Undergraduate Graduation Requirements.
Lower Division Field of Study Requirements18
IDST 1105Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies3
Choose any 1000- or 2000-level courses with the following prefixes: AFAM, ART, CMS, COMM, ENGL, FREN, HIST, MUSC, PHIL, SPAN, THEA, and WST.3
Social Sciences
Choose any 1000- or 2000-level courses with the following prefixes: AFAM, CRJU, ECON, EDUC, LGST, POLS, PSYC, SOCI, and WST.3
Area Major Courses
Choose courses from Area F of any major that have not been used to satisfy Core Curriculum category requirements.9
Total Credit Hours60