General Conduct Regulations

Disciplinary action may be initiated by the University and sanctions imposed against any student or student organization found responsible for committing, attempting to commit, or intentionally assisting in the commission of any of the following prohibited forms of conduct.

A. Damage to Property/Vandalism

Damage to Property

  • Damage or destruction of property belonging to the University or to a member of, or visitors to, the University community is prohibited.


  • ​Intentional damage or destruction of property belonging to the University or to a member of, or visitors to, the University community is prohibited.  

B. Deception

  1. Misuse of any University records, identification cards, forms, or other documents through forgery, misrepresentation, unauthorized alteration, unauthorized reproduction, or other unauthorized means is prohibited.
  2. Intentionally providing false information, either written or oral, to the University or to any administrative unit of the University, is prohibited.
  3. Attempted or perpetrated fraud against the University or members of the University community is prohibited.
  4. Withholding or omitting requested or required information from the University

C. Disorderly Assembly

  1. Students will not assemble on campus for the purpose of creating a riot or destruction, or disorderly diversion which interferes with the normal operation of the University. This should not be construed as denial of the right to peaceful, non-disruptive assembly.
  2. Students will not obstruct the free movement of other persons about the campus, interfere with the use of University facilities, or physically interfere with the normal operation of the University.

D. Disorderly Conduct

  1. All lewd, obscene, indecent behavior, or other forms of disorderly conduct on University property or at any function sponsored or supervised by the University is prohibited. This includes belligerent, abusive, profane, and/or threatening behavior, and conduct which is patently offensive to the prevailing standards of a college community, but should not be interpreted as an infringement on the First Amendment rights of individuals.
  2. The abuse or unauthorized use of sound amplification equipment indoors or outdoors during classroom hours is prohibited.
  3. No student will threaten to, or purposefully, push, strike, or physically assault any member of the faculty, administration, staff, or student body, or any visitor to the campus.
  4. Substantial disruption of University/College operations including obstruction of teaching, research, administration, other University/College activities, and/or other authorized non-University/College activities which occur on campus is prohibited.
  5. No student will enter or attempt to enter any University-sponsored event without credentials for admission as established by the sponsors. At such University functions, students must present proper credentials to properly identified University officials upon request.

E. Gambling

  • The unauthorized playing of cards or other games for money or other items of value is prohibited on campus.

F. Theft

  • No student will take, attempt to take, or keep in his or her possession items not legally possessed by him or her including but not exclusively, items of University property, or items belonging to students, faculty, staff, student groups or visitors to the campus, without proper authorization.

G. Unauthorized Entry or Use of University Facilities/Equipment

  1. No student will make unauthorized entry into any University building, office, grounds or other facility nor will any person remain without authorization in any building after normal closing hours.
  2. No student will make unauthorized use of any University facility or equipment. Authorization of the use of University facilities/equipment may be withdrawn or otherwise restricted at any time.

H. Misuse of Computer Equipment

  1. No student may use University-owned computer equipment unless authorized to do so. All users must abide by the regulations regarding authorization, priority of use, computer access and the basic rules of courtesy. See Computer & Network Use Policy for more information. Users agree to not take any action considered as inappropriate behavior including, but not limited to the following:
    1. Intentionally infecting network servers or other computers with a virus
    2. Connecting networking equipment including, but not limited to servers, routers, hubs and switches, and wireless access points to the campus network without written authorization from the Office of Information Technology and Services
    3. Sending harassing messages to other computer users either at CSU or through external networks
    4. Using inappropriate, offensive, or abusive language to other users within the CSU network, or through external networks
    5. Tampering with or modifying accessed equipment
    6. Causing intentional damage to computer systems
    7. Obtaining additional resources not authorized to the individual user
    8. Depriving other users of authorized resources
    9. Acquiring access to unauthorized systems
    10. Utilizing another user’s account and password
    11. Broadcasting non-business-related email to CSU faculty, staff and students (including but not limited to “For Rent/Sale” and personal notes to the campus)
    12. Broadcasting unsolicited email and e-mail that is in violation of the CAN-SPAM act of 2003
  2. No student may in any way abuse or misuse computer files or gain access to unauthorized computer files. Georgia Code 89-9903 on “Stealing, altering, etc. of public documents,” states that “No person shall steal...alter...or void any record.” The Code defines record to include “audiovisual material in any format, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data processing records.” Violation of this law is considered a felony and punishable by incarceration of two to ten years.

I. Tobacco

  1. Use of all forms of tobacco products on all property owned, leased or rented by the University is prohibited. “Tobacco Products” is defined as cigarettes, cigars, pipes, all forms of smokeless tobacco, clove cigarettes and any other smoking devices that use tobacco such as hookahs or simulate the use of tobacco such as electronic cigarettes. For more information see Board of Regents Policy Manual Section 6.10

J. Misuse of Alcohol and Other Drugs

Clayton State University generally prohibits the possession or consumption of Alcoholic beverages on the Clayton State University Campus or any area affiliated with Clayton State University.  Exceptions to the policy of prohibited alcohol on campus may from time to time be permitted at the discretion of the University President, and limited exceptions to this policy within the Laker Village Apartments by those over the age of 21 (see Laker Village Alcohol Policy below).  

  1. Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages where prohibited on the Clayton State University campus or other areas affiliated with Clayton State University is prohibited.
  2. Furnishing of alcoholic beverages on the Clayton State University campus or any area affiliated with Clayton State University is prohibited.
  3. Possession and/or use of illegal drugs (without a valid medical prescription) controlled by federal or Georgia law is prohibited.
  4. Possession of drug related paraphernalia on the Clayton State University campus or any area affiliated with Clayton State University is prohibited.  
  5. The manufacture or attempt to manufacture, sale or intent to sell or deliver any illegal substance controlled by federal or Georgia law is prohibited.
  6. Public intoxication is prohibited.
  7. Driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited.

Note: Students found to be in violation of the drug policy will be subject to the Drug-Free Post-Secondary Education Act of 1990. Title 20-1 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated states that any student of a public educational institution who is convicted, under the laws of this state, the United States, or any other state, of any felony offense involving the manufacture, distribution, sale, possession, or use of marijuana, a controlled substance, or a dangerous drug shall as of the date of conviction be suspended from the public educational institution in which such person is enrolled. Except for cases in which the institution has previously taken disciplinary action against a student for the same offense, such suspension shall be effective as of the date of conviction, even though the educational institution may not complete all administrative actions necessary to implement such suspension until a later date. Except for cases in which the institution has already imposed disciplinary sanctions for the same offense, such suspension shall continue through the end of the term, quarter, semester, or other similar period for which the student was enrolled as of the date of conviction. The student shall forfeit any right to any academic credit otherwise earned or earnable for such term, quarter, semester, or other similar period; and the educational institution shall subsequently revoke any such academic credit which is granted prior to the completion of administrative actions necessary to implement such suspension.

K. Weapons, Firearms, and Explosives

  1. No student may carry or possess any weapon or any other lethal or potentially destructive device or weapon on the University campus and/or property owned by the University, except as expressly permitted in O.C.G.A. 16-11-127.1. This includes, but is not limited to, bows and arrows, BB guns, air guns, hunting slingshots, martial arts weapons, knives and darts.*
  2. No student will possess, sell, furnish or use any incendiary device or poisonous, corrosive, or volatile substances, without proper authorization on campus. If such items are required for academic course work, they must be stored in facilities designated for storing such substances.

*Note: The only persons exempted from this policy are those specifically identified in either O.C.G.A. Section 16-11-127.1(c) or in O.C.G.A. Section 16-11-130. For more information, please see Campus Carry.* 

L. Fire Safety/Emergency

  1. No student will fail to evacuate a building or refuse to respond immediately to a fire alarm.
  2. No student will make a false report or trigger any device for the purpose of creating a false fire alarm.
  3. No student will operate, tamper with, discharge or remove any fire extinguishing equipment, exit sign, smoke detector, AED, evacuation or medical equipment without proper authorization.
  4. No student will intentionally set or cause to be set any unauthorized fire.

M. Harassment, Stalking & Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Misconduct is a violation of University policy and Federal law and may also result in criminal prosecution.  Sexual Misconduct can occur between strangers or acquaintances, and even people involved in intimate or sexual relationships.  Sexual Misconduct can be committed by men or women, and it can occur between people of the same or different gender.  Additionally, examples of actions and situations that constitute Sexual Misconduct may include, but are not limited to, the following defined below and definitions remain the same regardless of who engages in the behavior-university employees, students, or non-students. For more information, see the Clayton State University Title IX Policy.

  1. Harassment is prohibited and includes, but is not limited to, the following:
    1. any act of intimidation, physical violence, or threat of physical violence directed to another person in any manner, including any terroristic threats;
    2. intentionally and/or repeatedly following or contacting another person in a manner that intimidates, harasses, or places another in fear of their personal safety or that of their property;
    3. any behavior that is threatening or intimidating on the basis of age, ethnicity, gender, disability, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status.
  2. Stalking is prohibited and is defined as repeatedly contacting another person when:
    1. The contacting person knows or should know that the contact is unwanted by the other person; and
    2. The contact causes the other person reasonable apprehension of imminent physical harm or the contacting person knows or should know that the contact causes substantial impairment of the other person’s ability to perform the activities of daily life. As used in this subsection, “contacting” includes but is not limited to communicating with or remaining in the physical presence of the other person.
  3. Sexual Misconduct is prohibited. This is defined as behavior directed toward an individual which:
    1. Constitutes conduct of a sexual nature that threatens physical harm, endangers the health and safety of any person, or that which a reasonable person would know was unwanted and would cause emotional distress, and/or,
    2. Interferes with an individual’s ability to perform at the University academically or socially.

N. Failure to Comply

  1. Failure to comply with the directions of University or public officials acting in the performance of their duties on University-owned or controlled property or at University-sponsored or supervised activities when such conduct constitutes a danger to personal/public safety or property is prohibited.
  2. No student will fail to report for a conference, meeting or appointment with any University official.
  3. No student will fail to appear as a witness in a judicial case when properly notified.
  4. Failure to comply with the terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed in accordance with the Student Conduct Code or a University Hearing Authority is prohibited.
  5. Failure to comply with any established University policy is prohibited.

O. Hazing

  1. Any situation, circumstance, or environment created by a student or organization that is purposefully instigated to illicit mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule to aspiring members on or off university premises.

Note: Georgia Code: O.C.G.A. § 16-5-61 (2021) The "Max Gruver Act":

  1. "Haze" or “hazing” means to subject a student to an activity which endangers or is likely to endanger the physical health of a student, or coerces the student through the use of social or physical pressure to consume any food, liquid, alcohol, drug, or other substance which subjects the student to a likely risk of vomiting, intoxication, or unconsciousness regardless of a student's willingness to participate in such activity.
  2. "School" means any unit of the University System of Georgia, any unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, or any private postsecondary school, college, or university in this state.
  3. "School organization" means any association, corporation, order, club, society, fraternity, sorority, athletic team, or a group living together which has students or alumni as its principal members, including local affiliate organizations.
  4. "Student" means any person enrolled or prospectively enrolled in a school in this state. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to haze any student in connection with or as a condition or precondition of gaining acceptance, membership, office, or other status in a school organization.
  5. Any person who violates this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature.

P. Littering

  • Disposing of any form of litter on University premises or at university-sponsored activities other than in designated receptacles is prohibited.

Violators of any of these regulations may be prosecuted under Federal or State Criminal Code and statutes.

Laker Village Alcohol Policy

Clayton State University insists that students residing in Laker Village who choose to consume alcohol do so in a responsible and legal manner. Students are expected to observe all applicable Georgia State laws as well as local ordinances related to purchasing, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Violations of applicable laws or university policies pertaining to alcohol may subject students to University disciplinary action and potential legal penalties.

A student’s or guest’s consumption of alcohol shall neither infringe upon the privacy, peace or enjoyment of other students or guests nor should it infringe upon the educational mission of the University.

Laker Village Alcohol-use Requirements

  1. Alcohol may not be possessed or consumed in an apartment suite where all residents are under the age 21.
  2. For alcohol to be present in the shared areas of an apartment unit (kitchen, living room, hallways), all residents must be 21. If all residents are not 21 or older, the alcohol must be stored and consumed with in the resident’s room.
  3. All alcoholic beverages must be in single serving containers. Students are limited to two (2) 6 packs of beers (total 12 beers) OR 1 liter of hard alcohol OR 1.5 liter of wine per resident in the apartment unit or suite.  Common alcohol containers including, but not limited to, kegs, beer balls, hunch-punch, trash cans and ice luges are prohibited. Prohibited items will be confiscated at the owner’s expense.
  4. Alcohol may not be possessed or consumed in public or residential facility common areas. Public areas include outdoor areas, patio, balconies, breezeways, stairways and hallways. Common areas of an apartment suite include the kitchen, living room and hallways. Alcohol must be consumed within apartments with the apartment door closed (i.e. the door should not be propped). When an apartment door is open, it is considered a public area.
  5. Drinking games and any items designed for or manipulated to promote the rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, beer pong, funnels, quarters, and altered board games.
  6. Alcohol beverage containers, whether empty or full, are not to be displayed in areas of the campus including apartment suites, individual rooms, public areas and windows.
  7. Students influenced by alcohol are fully responsible for their actions and that of their guest(s).