Undergraduate and Graduate Student Code of Conduct

Clayton State University has established standards of conduct which are compatible with the academic mission of the institution. An educational approach to discipline is employed whenever possible.

Law, statutes and regulations at the national, state and local levels grant public institutions the authority to establish standards reasonably relevant to the lawful missions, processes, and functions of the institution. Such standards are not intended to prohibit the exercise of a right guaranteed by the Constitution or a law of the United States to a member of the university community.

Standards may apply to student behavior on and off the campus when relevant to any lawful mission, process, or function of the institution. The institution may prohibit any action or omission, which imparts, interferes with, or obstructs the missions, processes and functions of the institution.

Due to the evolving impact of the COVID-19 public health situation, the University has published requirements, guidance, and recommendation, which are subject to change, to protect the health and safety of the University community. Adherence to these protocols applies to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. In addition, the student conduct policies and procedures in this section are subject to change and will be communicated as applicable to students who liaise with the Office of Community Standards.

Institutional standards may require scholastic attainments higher than the average of the population and may require superior ethical and moral behavior. In establishing standards of behavior, institutions are not limited to the standards or the forms of criminal laws ["General Order on Judicial Standards of Procedure and Substance in Review of Student Discipline in Tax-Supported Institutions of Higher Education," 45 F.R.D.133/145 (W.D. Mo. 1968)].

The acceptance of these rights and responsibilities is a prerequisite for enrollment at Clayton State University. It is the responsibility of each student to know and understand established rules of conduct. Lack of awareness is not recognized as a legitimate reason for failure to comply. 

Violators may be accountable to both civil and criminal authorities and to the University for acts of misconduct, which constitute violations of this Code. Disciplinary action at the University may proceed during the pendency of other proceedings at the discretion of University officials. Sanctions may be imposed for acts of misconduct which occur on University property or at any University sponsored activity. As further prescribed in these rules, off-campus conduct may also be subject to discipline.

Clayton State University provides each student with an e-mail address. The student will be responsible for monitoring this address on a regular basis for official communications from Clayton State University faculty and administrators.

The University maintains the right to amend its rules and to make such amendments effective immediately upon appropriate public notification of students. To view the most current version of the Undergraduate and Graduate Student Code of Conductvisit the Office of Community Standards - Student Code of Conduct website

Additional information regarding the Office of Community Standards location, office hours and online reporting are available on the Office of Community Standards website.