Health Care Management, BS

The Health Care Management program prepares students for a variety of entry and mid-level management positions in health services organizations, such as benefits offices, insurance companies, home health agencies, PPOs, HMOs, doctors' offices, group practices, hospices, hospitals, nursing homes, extended care facilities, ambulatory care centers, governmental health agencies, and other health care delivery organizations.

Admission and Readmission Requirements

Students intending to enroll in the Health Care Management program must meet all University admission and academic requirements. The following additional requirements also apply and must be met prior to enrollment in any business or health sciences courses numbered 3000 or above:

  1. Completion of Program Application Form. Students must declare a Health Care Management major and complete a program application form. The application for program admission must be completed prior to enrollment in upper division program requirements. A minimum 2.00 institutional GPA is required prior to enrollment in any 3000-level course.
  2. Completion of Lower Division Requirements.
    1. Students may be admitted to the Health Care Management program and allowed to take selected 3000-level courses upon completion of at least 45 semester credit hours applicable to Core IMPACTS and Field of Study, including ENGL 1101 English Composition I, ENGL 1102 English Composition II, MATH 1101 Intro to Mathematical Modeling or higher, ACCT 2102 Principles Managerial Acct., and ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics. (The selected courses are HSCI 3113 Hlth Communication for Manager and HLTH 3420 Health Education.)
    2. Health Care Management students must complete all Core IMPACTS and Field of Study, requirements (with no grade lower than C in Field of Study) prior to enrollment in any 3000-level Health Sciences or Business courses other than those listed above.
    3. Health Care Management students must earn a grade no lower than a C in MATH 1401.

A suspended student may apply for readmission to the Health Care Management Program immediately following his or her first semester of suspension. For a subsequent suspension, a student may apply for readmission following three semesters of suspension. Suspended students seeking readmission must submit an Application for Readmission to the appropriate program. The department head will review the application and make a recommendation to the Dean, who will make the final decision. Positive recommendations for readmission must be based on clear and convincing evidence regarding the student's prospects for academic success following the period of suspension.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements

Program-specific regulations for the Health Care Management program are as follows: Students must achieve a grade of C or better in all upper division course work including required courses and program electives. Students must repeat any required course in which a grade of C or better is not achieved. Any student who fails to meet this performance level will be placed on program probation. A student must earn a grade of C or better in all courses while on program probation. Failure to achieve this performance level will result in suspension from the program. Readmission following suspension must be approved by the Dean of the College of Health.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to:

  1. Analyze the complexity of the healthcare system that can influence managerial decisions, the importance of teamwork, and personal and professional ethics regarding health care services and programs. (AUPHA competency: policy development/program planning, financial planning/management skills, leadership/systems thinking analytic/assessment skills).
  2. Apply basic population health/public health principles and research concepts that influence the practice of managing the health of communities and the delivery of healthcare services (AUPHA competency: public health science skills, program planning, analytic/assessment skills, cultural competency skills).
  3. Analyze current economic and financial factors and policies that influence managerial decisions regarding healthcare services and programs. (AUPHA competency: financial planning and management skills, policy development/program planning).
  4. Utilize effective communication skills required in the healthcare environment. (AUPHA competency: communication skills, cultural competency skills).
  5. Analyze and assess the various aspects of a healthcare system to effectively manage and lead an organization. (AUPHA competency: leadership and systems thinking skills).
  6. Demonstrate workplace readiness through the application of knowledge from the various health care management courses to analyze an opportunity and propose an appropriate course of action. (AUPHA competency: community dimensions of practice skills, assessment, and communication skills).

Program Requirements

All core curriculum recommendations are shown under the Core IMPACTS section of the Undergraduate Graduation Requirements.
Field of Study - Healthcare Management
HCMG 2100Medical Terminology3
or BIOL 2252
Anatomy and Physiology II
and Anatomy and Physiology Lab II
HSCI 2111Intro to Health Care Environ.3
ITFN 1101Foundations-Information Technology3
Lower Division (1000/2000 Level) Elective Courses 19
Grades of D will not count toward graduation for Field of Study, MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics, or for any upper division requirements.
Upper Division Major Requirements
Students interested in community-based work in public health can choose to complete the Community Health Concentration.
HSCI 3113Hlth Communication for Manager3
HCMG 3101Intro to Health Systems Mgmt.3
HCMG 3320Healthcare Economics3
HCMG 3340Healthcare Information Tech.3
HCMG 3401Applied HR Mgt./Hlth Care Del.3
HCMG 3501Health Care Systems/TQM3
HCMG 3701Intro to Epidemiology3
HCMG 3901Marketing in Health Care3
HCMG 4110Administration of Managed Care3
HCMG 4401Intro Primary/Long Term Care3
HCMG 4560Health Care Finance3
HSCI 3520Legal Issues in Health Care3
HSCI 3550Ethical Issues in Health Care3
Upper Division Specialty Courses
Choose three upper division courses from the list below or any 3000/4000 level courses leading to a Minor.9
Intro to Community Health
Intro to Mental Health/Case Mg
Health in Corporate Settings
International Health Systems
Alternative/Complementary Approaches to Health
Communication with Families
Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness
Contemporary Women's Health
Health Education
The AIDS Epidemic
IPE - Healthcare Professionals
Consumer Health
Professional Selling
Internship or Clinical Requirements
HCMG 4500Health Care Policy3
HCMG 4901Applied Research3
HCMG 4970Health Care Mgmt Internship/Pr3
HCMG 4999Capstone in Health Care Mgmt.3
Total Credit Hours120

The concentration in Community Health will prepare Health Care Management students for community-based work in public health. Students will acquire skills and knowledge related to planning, implementing, and evaluating community health improvement projects and interventions.

Community Health Concentration
Complete all of the following:
HCMG 3211Intro to Community Health3
HLTH 3420Health Education3
HSCI 3520Legal Issues in Health Care3
HSCI 3550Ethical Issues in Health Care3
HCMG 3701Intro to Epidemiology3
HSCI 4101Consumer Health3
Total Credit Hours18

Other Program-Specific Graduation Requirements

  1. Grades of D will not count toward graduation for Field of Study, MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics, or for any upper division requirements.

  2. In order to receive the B.S. degree, a student must complete a minimum of 30 hours in residency at Clayton State. Of these, at least 24-credit hours must be upper division courses within the program, including the 6-hr Research-Policy sequence1 AND the 6-hr Internship/Practicum-Capstone sequence2.
    Research-Policy Sequence 1
    HCMG 4500Health Care Policy3
    HCMG 4901Applied Research3
    Internship/Practicum-Capstone Sequence 2
    HCMG 4970Health Care Mgmt Internship/Pr3
    HCMG 4999Capstone in Health Care Mgmt.3
    Total Credit Hours12
  3. Students must enroll in the 6-hr Research-Policy sequence prior to enrolling in the 6-hr Internship/Practicum-Capstone sequence.

  4. Students must enroll in the 6-hour Internship/Practicum-Capstone sequence the last semester prior to graduation. 

Students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA to enroll in HCMG 4970 Health Care Mgmt Internship/Pr and HCMG 4999 Capstone in Health Care Mgmt. No exceptions are permitted.

Students must have a declared major in Health Care Management to enroll in HCMG 4970 Health Care Mgmt Internship/Pr and HCMG 4999 Capstone in Health Care Mgmt. No exceptions permitted.


MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics required if not satisfied in Area D2. HCMG 2100 Medical Terminology or ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics recommended.

Please Note: This is a suggested course sequence and assumes a starting freshman with no prior college credit who intends to complete their degree in four years. Students should consult with their academic advisor and review the course prerequisites and minimum grade requirements as seen in the Academic Catalog. 

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
First SemesterCredit Hours
ENGL 1101 English Composition I Core IMPACTS 3
MATH 1101 Intro to Mathematical Modeling Core IMPACTS 3
CRIT 1101 Critical Thinking Core IMPACTS 3
POLS 1101 American Government Core IMPACTS 3
HSCI 2111 Intro to Health Care Environ. 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
ENGL 1102 English Composition II Core IMPACTS 3
Communications for Foreign Language Core IMPACTS 2 or 3
Science Course with Lab Core IMPACTS 4
MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics 3
Field of Study related elective (1000/2000) 3
 Credit Hours15-16
Second Year
First Semester
Literature, Philosophy, or Foreign Language Core IMPACTS 3
Science without Lab Core IMPACTS 3
HIST 1111
Survey-PreModern World History Core IMPACTS
or Survey of Modern World History
or Critical Trends and Issues
or Intro to Global Issues
Field of Study related elective (1000/2000) 3
ITFN 1101 Foundations-Information Tech. 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
Fine Arts or Intermediate Foreign Language Core IMPACTS 3
HIST 2111
Survey of US History to 1877 Core IMPACTS
or US HIST Since Reconstruction
Behavioral Sciences Core IMPACTS 3
HCMG 2100 Medical Terminology 3
Science, Math or Technology (Non-Science Majors) Core IMPACTS 3
 Credit Hours15
Third Year
First Semester
HCMG 3101 Intro to Health Systems Mgmt. 3
HCMG 3320 Healthcare Economics 3
HCMG 3401
Applied HR Mgt./Hlth Care Del.
or Intro to Epidemiology
HSCI 3113 Hlth Communication for Manager 3
HSCI 3520
Legal Issues in Health Care
or Intro to Epidemiology
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
HCMG 3340 Healthcare Information Tech. 3
HCMG 3501 Health Care Systems/TQM 3
HCMG 3701
Intro to Epidemiology
or Applied HR Mgt./Hlth Care Del.
HCMG 4110 Administration of Managed Care 3
HCMG 4560 Health Care Finance 3
 Credit Hours15
Fourth Year
First Semester
HCMG 3901 Marketing in Health Care 3
HCMG 4401 Intro Primary/Long Term Care 3
HCMG 4500 Health Care Policy 3
HCMG 4901 Applied Research 3
Related Elective (3000/4000 Course) 3
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
HSCI 3550 Ethical Issues in Health Care 3
HCMG 4970 Health Care Mgmt Internship/Pr 3
HCMG 4999 Capstone in Health Care Mgmt. 3
Related Elective (3000/4000 Course) 3
Related Elective (3000/4000 Course) 3
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours120-121

Students can take some of these courses in the summer but will need to adjust schedule to make sure that they can complete all courses as some courses may meet at the same day/time. This could delay graduation. Please seek guidance from your adviser.