Initiation of Charges, Resolution & Adjudication Options

  1. Disciplinary charges shall be initiated by submission of a written referral by letter, email, or police report to the Office of Community Standards.
  2. Referrals must be submitted within fifteen (15) business days after detection of an alleged violation unless special conditions for delay can be documented.
  3. Complaints should include as much information as possible - such as: (1) the type of misconduct alleged; (2) the name and contact information of the respondent; (3) the date(s), time(s), and place(s) of the misconduct; (4) the name(s) and contact information of any individual(s) with knowledge of the incident; (5) whether any tangible evidence has been preserved; and (6) whether a criminal complaint has been made. The complainant must sign the referral.  Any member of the University community may file a complaint. Where appropriate, complainants may file a law enforcement report along with an institutional report.
  4. Where the alleged misconduct is related to sexual misconduct or discrimination, the conduct officer will refer to the Title IX Officer to determine whether such an investigation is warranted.
  5. The conduct officer will review the complaint and make an initial determination as to whether there is a sufficient basis to believe that a violation of the Code of Conduct may have occurred and the possible sanctions for the alleged violation. If the reported conduct would not be a violation of the institution's policies and/or code of conduct then the report will be dismissed.
  6. If it is determined that sufficient evidence exists to warrant charges or a formal investigation, the student will be notified in writing of the alleged violation and/or possible investigation, and will be required to meet with the Conduct Officer.  Such notification will be sent via the students' CSU email account.
  7. At this meeting, the student will be provided with the following:
    1. An explanation of the complaint or charges which have been made;
    2. A review of all information on which the complaint or charges are based and the name of the Complainant;
    3. A review of all due process rights and disciplinary procedures;
    4. A reasonable opportunity to review charges and information in order to respond to the charges.
  8.  Once the student is presented with the charges/findings of an investigation in writing from the conduct officer via the "Specification of Charges" form, the student will respond to the charge(s) in one of the following ways: 
    1. Admit responsibility for the charge(s) and waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal; in which case, a sanction may be determined by the conduct officer or one of the hearing authorities. 
    2. Deny responsibility for the charge(s) and request a hearing before a University Hearing Authority. 

Additional information regarding the Office of Community Standards location, office hours and online reporting are available on the Office of Community Standards website.