Disruptive Student Behavior

Options for Dealing with Disruptive Student Behavior In and Out of the Classroom

Informal Guidance

If a faculty member determines that any improper classroom behavior is limited to a single event or is of a less serious nature, the faculty member may choose to address the infraction in the classroom, or may speak to the offending student individually outside of the class. An individual meeting outside of class presents an opportunity to explore the nature of the misconduct with the student, and to reiterate the faculty member’s expectations for behavioral standards. The meeting with the student will be documented in writing, noting the specific guidelines and consequences that were communicated to the student. Depending upon the behavior, a referral to the Student Behavior Consultation Team (SBCT) or the initiation of the Conduct Process may be appropriate.

One-time Class Period Dismissal

If the faculty determines that any improper behavior is of a recurring pattern, is of a serious nature, if the faculty member feels threatened or if the misconduct is of an abusive nature, the student may immediately be dismissed from the classroom for the remainder of the current class period by the instructor. For example, a student who becomes physically or verbally aggressive will be dismissed from the classroom, and Public Safety may be called for any necessary assistance at the main number (678) 466-4050 or at the emergency number (770) 960-5151. The faculty member will, in instances of student’s dismal from a class period, immediately initiate the Conduct Process by contacting the Office of Community Standards.

Dismissal From Course

A student who fails to respond to reasonable faculty direction regarding classroom behavior and/or behavior while participating in classroom activities may be dismissed from a course for the remainder of the semester after “due process.” A student is entitled to due process (see Conduct Process) and will be afforded such rights as soon as possible. If found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, a student may, in addition to other outcomes, be administratively withdrawn from the course and may receive a grade of WF.

Student Behavior Outside of the Classroom

If the faculty member feels threatened by the behavior of a student outside of the classroom, the faculty member may contact Public Safety, as needed, at the main number (678) 466-4050 or at the emergency number (770) 960-5151 and will consult with the Office of Community Standards for determination of any conduct charges to be filed.