Department of Health Care Management

Dr. Marcy Butler, Assistant Dean

Mission and Goals

The mission of the Health Care Management is to prepare students, especially non-traditional minority students for entry and mid-level management positions in a variety of health service organizations. This mission of the Program is consistent with the University’s mission of meeting the needs of the community. The community is typically identified as the Southern Crescent area that consists of South Fulton, South DeKalb, Clayton, Fayette and Henry Counties. These counties serve the general area of South Atlanta and the contiguous localities. Located within the Southern Crescent are a great number and variety of health care delivery systems that are growing and expanding as the population of this part of Georgia keeps increasing. The need to educate and provide managers for these institutions also is increasing and, thus serves as impetus for us to complete our mission.

Health Care Management offers two baccalaureate degree programs:

  • Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Health Care Management with a curriculum that prepares students for a variety of entry and mid-level management positions in health services organizations. For the clinician or a student who wants to be a clinician, this program provides a course of study in healthcare management and prepares them for leadership positions within their clinical specialty. It can also serve as a foundation towards a graduate program in Health Administration or other graduate programs.
  • Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Health Sciences with a curriculum that prepares students for entry-level allied health-related industries. For the student who wants to be a clinician, this program can provide the foundation in learning needed.  It can also serve as a foundation towards pursuit of a professional graduate degree or to be a competitive applicant to other health professions or public health. 
  • In addition, Health Care Management collaborates with the Departments of Nursing and Dental Hygiene in offering double major degree programs in Health Care Management and Nursing and Dental Hygiene respectively. These programs provide the curricula for students who wish to enhance their employability by being qualified as both nurses or dental hygienists and health care managers.

Honor Society

The Upsilon Phi Delta (UPD) is a national honor society for students pursuing a career in health care management. The society’s mission is to encourage, support, and recognize students for professional development, high academic achievement, and excellence in the field of health administration. Students must have an overall GPA of 3.25 to be eligible.


The undergraduate program in Health Care Management is certified by The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA). Information regarding certification may be obtained from the following:

Association of University Programs in Health Administration
1730 M St. NW
Suite 407
Washington, DC 20036

Health Care Management (HCMG)

HCMG 2100. Medical Terminology (3) 

This course is a comprehensive introduction to terminology used in the medical field. Due to the unique and specific language used in healthcare, proficiency in medical terminology is an essential skill. Professional language is key among health care professionals and this course will introduce and develop the essential tools necessary for proper communication, both oral and written. Students will gain a working understanding of word parts including suffixes, prefixes, root words and combining forms and how to analyze terms. Individual body systems and their associated terminology are explored and studied for their association as they relate to disease and conditions, diagnosis and treatment. The course offers the opportunity to gain understanding of medical specialties, specialists and others providing medical care.

Prerequisites: (ENGL 1101)

HCMG 3101. Intro to Health Systems Mgmt. (3) 

This course is designed to introduce the student to the application of principles of management to health systems organizations. Field-based experience will allow the student to apply principles of organizational theory and behavioral aspects of management across a variety of health care settings.

Prerequisites: HSCI 2111 and (HSCI 3110 (may be taken concurrently) or HSCI 3113 (may be taken concurrently) or HLTH 3110 (may be taken concurrently) or NURS 3110 (may be taken concurrently))

HCMG 3211. Intro to Community Health (3) 

Introduces community health. Students will develop an understanding of historical and theoretical foundations of community health and major societal health concerns. Students will explore community health models and programs used to address these concerns and examine racial/ethnic cultural and social determinants of health. This course will also introduce public health program planning and evaluation in the context of community health providing a review of factors that influence as well as improve the health of communities.

Prerequisites: (HSCI 2111)

HCMG 3320. Healthcare Economics (3) 

This course provides students with an overview of the economic influences and underpinnings of the health care delivery system. It looks at the importance of economics in health decisions, both demand and supply-side factors, and how public influences the economics of healthcare.

Prerequisites: HSCI 2111 and (MATH 1231 or MATH 1401)

HCMG 3340. Healthcare Information Tech. (3) 

This course is designed to provide a broad understanding needed by healthcare managers of the critical role information technologies and systems play in healthcare organizations. The focus is on the underlying technologies including hardware, applications, the Internet, and E-Health; planning and project management and the future of information technology in healthcare management.

Prerequisites: HCMG 3101 and ITFN 1101 and (MATH 1231 or MATH 1401)

HCMG 3401. Applied HR Mgt./Hlth Care Del. (3) 

This course provides students with the basic skills and applications of human resource management in the health care delivery field. Students will study the basics of recruitment, selection, training, retention, motivation, and conflict resolution. Legal and ethical issues in health care as well as timely topics and problems in today's health care environment will be focused.

Prerequisites: HSCI 2111

HCMG 3501. Health Care Systems/TQM (3) 

This course is designed to apply principles of total quality management to health care organizations.

Prerequisites: HCMG 3101 and (MATH 1231 or MATH 1401)

HCMG 3601. Intro to Mental Health/Case Mg (3) 

This course will provide students with the opportunity to examine the current mental health system including historical perspectives, medical advances, and populations in need of mental health services and/or case management. A model for mental health care management is introduced.

Prerequisites: HCMG 3101

HCMG 3701. Intro to Epidemiology (3) 

This course is designed to provide the beginning health care professional with an overview of basic health care Epidemiology. This course will explore the use of Epidemiology, concepts and elements of infectious and chronic disease measures and study designs for epidemiological research. Students will gain knowledge about developing preventative programs and addressing on-going health concerns using epidemiological data.

Prerequisites: (MATH 1231 or MATH 1401) and HSCI 2111 and HCMG 3101 (may be taken concurrently)

HCMG 3901. Marketing in Health Care (3) 

This course is designed to give the HCMG student an overview of basic marketing principles and then apply them to the health care field. Analysis of the diversity of the health care consumer's definition of care is highlighted along with the need to distinguish between individual patients versus corporate America as a customer.

Prerequisites: HSCI 2111 and HCMG 3501 and HCMG 3701

HCMG 4110. Administration of Managed Care (3) 

Advanced study of methods of designing, changing, managing and evaluating managed care organizations.

Prerequisites: HCMG 3101

HCMG 4180. Health in Corporate Settings (3) 

This course explores the issues of health and safety in the workplace. Emphasis is placed on prevention of work-related disease or illness and promotion of wellness. Concepts related to employee assessment and retention, environmental health hazards, prevention of occupational disease, wellness programs, insurance issues, ergonomics, and government standards are presented.

Prerequisites: HCMG 3101

HCMG 4220. International Health Systems (3) 

This course is designed to investigate the basic principles and fundamentals of international health care systems including, but not limited to Canada, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan. Emphasis will be placed on historical, social, political, and structural factors, differences in financing and delivery mechanisms, expenditures, providers, types of services, comparisons with United States impact of technology, research and quality assessment. Additionally, issues of cost, utilization and access will be examined in light of current market conditions, future trends, and health care policy in each country.

Prerequisites: HSCI 2111

HCMG 4310. Public Health Administration (3) 

This course provides the student with an introduction to public health administration, an understanding of how public health programs are initiated and administered at the federal and state levels. The objectives of the course will be achieved through lecture, guest speakers, student projects, Internet, and final exams.

Prerequisites: HCMG 3340 (may be taken concurrently) and HCMG 3701

HCMG 4401. Intro Primary/Long Term Care (3) 

This course is designed to help the health care management student appreciate the difference in the scope of services provided in ambulatory/primary care sites as compared to the types of health care services often available in long-term care entities.

Prerequisites: HCMG 3101 and HCMG 3401 and HCMG 3501 (may be taken concurrently) and HCMG 3701

HCMG 4500. Health Care Policy (3) 

This is a senior level required course for all health care management students. The course will consist of in-depth study of four major health care policy areas of the U.S. healthcare system.

Prerequisites: HCMG 3101 and HCMG 3320 and HCMG 3501 and HCMG 3701

HCMG 4560. Health Care Finance (3) 

Provides opportunity to examine factors affecting the financing of health care. Current systems of financing health care are discussed. Budgetary concepts, financial management, cost accounting and management under rate control and competition presented and analyzed. Differences between goods and service industries are analyzed.

Prerequisites: HSCI 2111 and (MATH 1231 or MATH 1401)

HCMG 4565. Fin. Mgmt. -Primary/LTC Orgs. (3) 

This is a follow up course to the introduction for Primary Care/Long-Term Care or primary care facility.

Prerequisites: HCMG 4401

HCMG 4901. Applied Research (3) 

Applied Research provides the novice researcher with skills in identifying appropriate research studies, understanding the development of a research proposal and the basic concepts of research in the health care setting.

Prerequisites: (MATH 1231 or MATH 1401) and HCMG 3101 and HCMG 3701

HCMG 4970. Health Care Mgmt Internship/Pr (3) 

Individually designed learning program involving field experiences in a health care setting. Program of study and student supervision must be approved by the internship director.

Prerequisites: HCMG 4401 (may be taken concurrently) and HCMG 4500 and HCMG 4901 and HCMG 4999 (may be taken concurrently) and HSCI 3520 (may be taken concurrently)

HCMG 4999. Capstone in Health Care Mgmt. (3) 

This is the capstone course for the Health Care Management Program. The course will synthesize and summarize the materials of the Program coursework. Discussions will also be conducted on the state of the field today and projections for the future. This course must be taken the last semester before graduation.

Prerequisites: HCMG 4500 and HCMG 4901 and HCMG 4970 (may be taken concurrently)


HCMG 4970 Health Care Mgmt Internship/Pr must be taken the last semester before graduation. 

Health Sciences (HSCI)

HSCI 2111. Intro to Health Care Environ. (3) 

Designed to introduce the student to the complex health environment. Topics include descriptions of the types of health care providers and the scope of professional practices, introduction to hospitals, ambulatory care settings, long-term care settings, and the regulatory and professional bodies supporting practices. For students in health care fields, it is essential to understand and apply principles of professional comportment.

HSCI 3113. Hlth Communication for Manager (3) 

This course will focus on communication theory and skills related to the business of healthcare. In addition, political, legal, and ethical issues will be explored and analyzed as healthcare issues and reforms evolve. Health Care Management students must be prepared to interact with clinicians, administrators, suppliers, as well as patients and their families. Content includes problem solving, conflict resolution, power strategies, burnout, group dynamics, assertiveness skills, and effective communication within organizational structures.

Prerequisites: HSCI 2111

HSCI 3520. Legal Issues in Health Care (3) 

This course overviews law in general and health care issues specifically and provides students an opportunity to study and explore aspects of employer- employee relations in the health care setting and legal ramifications of patient treatment and medical records.

Prerequisites: (HCMG 3101 (may be taken concurrently) or MGMT 3101 (may be taken concurrently))

HSCI 3550. Ethical Issues in Health Care (3) 

This course is designed to explore and analyze contemporary health care situations in terms of ethical dimensions. Topics include patient-care giver relationships, high-tech medicine, ICU dilemmas, medical experimentation, confidentiality of patient medical records, AIDS and ethics, death and dying, and the issues of an aging population.

Prerequisites: (HCMG 3101 (may be taken concurrently) or MGMT 3101 (may be taken concurrently))

HSCI 4101. Consumer Health (3) 

Survey of consumer health topics such as the purchase of health-care products and services, choosing quality health care, and how to identify and use reliable sources of information.

HSCI 4800. Directed Readings in Health Sc (3) 

This is a directed readings course with a faculty mentor.

HSCI 4900. Health Sciences Seminar (3) 

This is the capstone course for the Health Sciences major. The course will review, synthesize, and summarize the fundamental understandings that were taught in the Health Sciences Program. It will allow students to see the relevancy of their coursework and how it applies to careers in health sciences. Discussions will be conducted to allow the students to anticipate changes in the various health sciences fields and how they can make career adjustment decisions.

Prerequisites: HCMG 4901 and HSCI 4970 (may be taken concurrently)

HSCI 4970. Health Sciences Internship/Pra (3) 

Individually designed learning program involving field experiences in a fitness or health/wellness-type setting. Program of study and student supervision must be approved by the Program Coordinator.

Prerequisites: HCMG 4901 and HSCI 4900 (may be taken concurrently)


HSCI 4970 Health Sciences Internship/Pra must be taken the last semester before graduation.


Marcy K. Butler
Joey Helton
Margaret McAlister
Thomas McIlwain
MeriBeth Stegall
M. Scott Stegall
Kendolyn Smith