Office of Career Services

Location: Edgewater Hall, Room 228
Telephone: 678-466-5400
Website: Office of Career Services

The Office of Career Services assists students in developing the self-awareness, knowledge, and skills that prepare them to manage their careers now and after graduation. Career counseling is available for students who need assistance choosing majors and career paths. Students can access a variety of programs and services to assist them in discovering opportunities for student jobs and internships, developing professionally, and launching a career. Career Services also provides mutually beneficial linkages between the University and the employment community. Employers post opportunities online and recruit and interview students seeking internships, part-time jobs, and full-time career positions. Services available through the Office of Career Services include the following:

  • Career counseling
  • Career testing
  • Seminars and workshops related to professional development and an effective job or career search
  • Resume critiques
  • Practice interviews
  • Internship and Co-op Assistance
  • Job Shadowing Assistance
  • Mentoring Program
  • Workshops and Club Presentations
  • Online access to employment and internship opportunities through Laker CareerZone
  • Employer networking opportunities
  • On-campus recruiting and interviewing
  • Individual career coaching
  • Five annual career or job fairs
  •  Job search assistance
  • Graduate School assistance

Internships and Cooperative Education

Students complement their academic learning with practical experience in a work setting related to their programs of study or career goals. Most degrees require internships and many include elective internships. Students should refer to specific program requirements regarding required and optional internships. Cooperative Education also provides work-related learning experiences, usually over an extended number of semesters, often without earning academic credit. Students who do not earn credit may receive non-credit transcript documentation for participating in internships or cooperative education.

Students interested in internships or cooperative education must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Complete at least one full semester at Clayton State;
  • Earn the appropriate number of credit hours (baccalaureate degree - 30 hours; associate degree - 18 hours; certificate - 12 hours);
  • Maintain Good Academic Standing;
  • Complete all course prerequisites;
  • Obtain prior approval from the appropriate faculty coordinator by providing evidence that the experience is directly related to the student’s program of study.

After a student is offered and accepts a position, he or she must articulate clear learning objectives on the Internship Learning Agreement Form which provides a statement of understanding between the student, the University, and the internship site and is used to document student progress. Any student who fails to submit a completed Internship Learning Agreement Form by the deadline is subject to being withdrawn from the course.

Hours of Operation

Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Evening hours by appointment